What makes the world go round? Love. The Beatles said “All you need is love.” One of the greatest love stories is Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare’s play should be shared with all students during their education. Although this tale has been read word for word from textbooks since the early 1900’s, it is time to throw away the dusty pages and step into the 21st century. Classes should experience this classic via film due to student interaction, use of technology, cross cultural education and different ways of learning.
Interaction with other students is vital to education. During this project, interaction with students is a great way to learn and get to know the other students. In the filming of Romeo and Juliet the majority of students got a role to portray the various characters. Each had their own unique way of portraying those roles. During practice they gave all gave constructive criticism to correct or improve their progress. This type of interaction causes good socialization and group problem solving. In addition, each student comes to class with different experiences and backgrounds which can be meaningful during the taping. This will prepare the student to work well within a group or at their future place of employment. In filming this play students will learn that technical aspects of production which will be helpful for future reference.
If a student ever decides to go into film making they will need to know the basics of creating a production for the public. Students that are not comfortable with the acting portion could participate in the technical aspects of filming. It gives a wider selection of opportunities to work in a production with your fellow classmates. Some students may feel, or work better behind the scenes. During production, the set contains many advanced cameras and recording devices that deal with cutting edge technology. Even if a student is not comfortable in front of the camera, he might enjoy honing his mechanical skills behind the camera. A play allows for students with all interests to participate. With technology developing at the speed of light, pupils need to be abreast of computers and wireless connections in order to make progress in the not only the world of business, but in education as well.
Just as there are many genres in film, there many different ways that students learn. Some are verbal learners, some learn auditory, many are spatial, and others are physical learners. Filming a play, as oppose to reading a book, allows a variety of students to learn at the same time. Reading a book would exclude the majority of the class that has problems with reading comprehension and decoding words and various phrases. But with coordinating a play it shows everyone responsibility and hard work. It gives the kids who have a hard time comprehending stories that there can be an easier way to learn.
So rather than just reading another story I’d rather get up and participate with my classmates. It shows dedication, interaction, creating a production, and many different ways of learning for every student. So making a play is a great idea, rather than sitting in a classroom hearing a story being read to them. This is what Romeo and Juliet play is, a new way of learning.
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